miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008


Bonga, Bonga, Bonga, Do The Christmas Conga!

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008


There is something I see in you.
It might kill me (I want it to be truth).

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008


Estábamos ensayando con Mari y riéndonos cada tres segundos de chistes SUPER pelotudos que hacíamos. En un momento...

Ale: Ay boluda, ¡me encantan nuestros chistes! Son tan... ¡FELICES!

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008


yet, dusk.

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008


All the cities in the world and so very little time and so many different girls. All you have to do is find them! There's a wealth of opportunity, you plan your trips accordingly. A pity, but the pretty ones are usually more touristy. Say how'd you like to run away from these machines? Everywhere the spies are printing out your dreams.

  • Seven stops in seven different countries,
  • seven page itineraries,
  • memories thick as bloody Mary, Jesus, Joseph, bloody Hell!

Right now we're here in Boston in love with downtown crossing. New York will still be there in the morning, come back to bed my darling! Four years thrown away on vows we never kept. Forty-five minutes every day religiously devoted to regret. Time we could have spent on medication thrown away on education, and we planned to take a trip to Scotland but we never made it. How'd you like to run away from these machines? I had Julians and Steves, you had Julias and Jeanettes, you wear your terror on your sleeve for all the men I haven't met (yet). I had Oliver in Potsdam, you had Eleanor in Amsterdam. We're keeping track so carefully we've missed the State we're in completely. Honestly, your foot is out the door and I've got scores of offers elsewhere and keep both feet planted firmly in the air, and tomorrow you can totally erase me from your mind, but trust me, everything is fine. Because right now we're here in Boston, in my apartment in the South End. Forget your year in London! Come back to bed my darling... You can put the details in a letter, the more embarrassing, the better! Right now I can be happy if I choose to, I know that in the morning I will lose you. And maybe you'll go mad, and maybe I'll go gray and pack up to Berlin (or maybe it won't matter anyway!), we'll find out that your mom was right and you'll admit you're really gay, and maybe I'll wake up in a city far away, or maybe we'll make up and buy a house and have a couple kids and a labrador and a microwave. But anyway, right now we're here in Boston, in Eden where you almost pulled your pants down. Don't worry who these jokes will all be lost on! Come back to bed my darling! There is nothing in the World that we can count on, even that we will wake up is an assumption! But I know for a fact that I loved someone, and for about a year he lived in Boston.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Bus stop

(Un auto toca bocina a lo lejos)
Mari: (con tono de prostituta) ¡YA VOY!
(Toca bocina de nuevo)
Mari: (con tono de reina de las prostitutas) ¡YA VOOOOOOOOOOOOOY!
Ale: HAHAH. Brrr.
Mari: ¿Tenés frío? (Lo toca) Ay, ¡estás frío!
Ale: ¿A ver vos? (La toca en la parte de atrás del hombro) Ah, claro... vos estás caliente.
(Pasa un auto, miran)
Ale: Ah re que va a parecer que te estoy metiendo la mano por atrás.
Mari: Eso... suena raro.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008


9 y media de la mañana.
Abro lentamente los ojos y miro a mi alrededor.
No reconocí la habitación donde me encontraba.
Vi pies cerca de mi cabeza y sentí una mano en mi hombro.
Sentí un cuerpo que se movía a mis espaldas, acostado detrás de mí.
Y sentí otro cuerpo que se movía detrás de aquél.
4 personas durmiendo en una camita de media plaza.

La pierna suplicaba piedad porque estaba por estallar.
Uno de los chicos se había dormido cerca de mis pies.
Apoyaba un brazo en mis piernas y por eso me dolía tanto.
Me levanté y sacudí a Dani que estaba atrás mío.
Se despertó y me preguntó la hora. Se la dije y se terminó de despertar.
Cuando intentó levantarse pegó un gritito porque la cintura no le respondía.

A los quince minutos se terminó de levantar de la cama
(no sin mi ayuda, claro).
Fuimos a la cocina, sintiéndonos zombies, con aliento a alcohol
y con los ojos pegados y el pelo alborotado.
Salimos al balcón y el sol nos hizo mal a los ojos.
Ya había gente haciendo las compras, tendiendo la ropa..
Y entonces Dani me miró y me dijo:

Che, ¿lindo día hace no?

Juro que las risas duraron al menos media hora.